The Best Guide to Psoriasis Medications That Will Help You Choose Wisely
Psoriasis Medication Consumer Guide

According to WebMD, Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition caused by an overactive immune system. Cells begin to build up at an accelerated pace and form painful, itchy red patches on those with this condition.
Symptoms of Psoriasis may vary. They include but are not limited to:
- Red patches on the skin
- Dry, cracked skin
- Swollen joints
- Thickened or ridged nails
Because this specific skin condition goes through cycles, it’s imperative that you see your primary care physician if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.
When it comes to identifying the causes of psoriasis, there’s no concrete reason as to how someone can get it. Even though we’re aware that it is caused by overactive T cells in the carrier’s body, it’s unclear how these T cells reach this status.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for Psoriasis. Those who have it have learned to manage the symptoms so that they are able to live a more comfortable life.
The market is full of medication that can help those who have this skin condition. From dosage to potency – there are Psoriasis medications that are perfect for you. Let’s talk.
The Ultimate List Of Psoriasis Medications
Fortunately, there are so many treatments to help patients manage their Psoriasis. From topical treatments to injectables- here’s a comprehensive list of psoriasis medications available to you.
Topical treatments
Salicylic acids These are mainly known for clearing up the scales that develop on patches of Psoriasis. Undeniably the simplest treatment of them all, Salicylic acids can come in lotions, soaps, and shampoos.
Because it’s the most accessible of the Psoriasis medications, it’s usually combined with other Psoriasis drugs because of its ability to remove access skin.
Coal Tar
This kind of Psoriasis medicine is primarily known for treating itching, scaling, and flaking associated with skin conditions such as Psoriasis and dermatitis.
Similar to Salicylic acids, coal tar helps improve the appearance of your skin. Because it’s classified as “Over the Counter” (OTC) medication, coal tar is usually found in shampoos and skin care products such as:
- DHS Tar
- Doak Tar
- Theraplex T
But here’s our heads up. According to the National Cancer Institute, some chemicals in coal tar can lead to cancer. Be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions when taking this medication and abstain from using it in high dosages.
When treating Psoriasis, topical treatments are going to be your most popular treatment. Because these types of medication are known for slowing down the cell reproduction process, topical treatments usually serve as the first line of defense.
Corticosteroids When it comes to Psoriasis medication, steroids (or corticosteroids) are going to be known to help with the inflammation associated with this skin condition.
Much like Salicylic acid and coal tar, corticosteroids help reduce the growth of skin cells. They come in different strengths so that they can adapt to all areas of your skin, including the sensitive spots.
Here’s a list of corticosteroid medication known for alleviating the symptoms of Psoriasis:
- Clobestol-Temovate
- Triamcinolone (Aristocort)
- Fluocinolone Synalar
- Betamethasone Diplorene
Usually, doctors recommend that you apply this treatment twice a day. And even though occlusion is sometimes recommended with this kind of Psoriasis, there are some side effects that you should be aware of.
- The thinning of the skin
- Skin pigmentation
- Bruising
- Stretch marks
- Broken blood vessels
- Light sensitivity
Systemic Psoriasis Medicine (Taken Orally or Injected)
For patients who have severe Psoriasis and/or whose body is resistant to the aforementioned treatments, a doctor is most likely to prescribe oral or injectable drugs.
Just like any other medication that is directly inserted into your body- this kind of Psoriasis treatment is going to be the most potent. Usually only used for short periods of time, here’s a list of systemic Psoriasis medications:
Retinoids If your body isn’t reacting to the other therapies the way it’s supposed to, your doctor might look into prescribing retinoid medications.
Associated with the same family group as Vitamin A, retinoids are synthetic Vitamin A alternatives that work by attaching to certain receptors in skin cells thus help reduce inflammation and the cell reproduction process.
This kind of Psoriasis medication is so potent that doctors recommend that women avoid pregnancy at least 3 years after taking the medication.
Methotrexate Also known as Rheumatrex , Methotrexate is taken orally to help reduce the production of skin cells. Patients with psoriatic arthritis have also testified to Methotrexate slowing down their symptoms.
Even though this specific medication is known to work, there are some side effects that you should be aware of. These include, but are not limited to:
- Upset stomach
- Loss of appetite
- Fatigue
- Liver damage
- Decreased production of red and white blood cells
Cyclosporine Similar to Methotrexate, Cyclosporine is proven to be just as effective. Classified as an immunosuppressant, Cyclosporine can only be used in short-term increments.
Because of its potency, habitual use of Cyclosporine may increase the risk of infections and other health complications. That’s why the following list of Psoriasis medications are used in small dosages:
- Gengraf
- Neoral
Ask your doctor before taking Cyclosporine to see if it’s right for you.
Biologics Biological medications are substances made from living organisms in order to prevent conditions such as Psoriasis and other diseases.
Patients whose body has failed to respond to regular therapy have shifted to this kind of Psoriasis medication. Used with extreme caution, biologics have such a strong effect that they may permit life-threatening infections.
But thankfully, the pros outweigh the cons when it comes to taking biological medication. Patients who have been prescribed this medication, have noticed a dramatic improvement in their health.
Because biological psoriasis medications block certain cytokines, they’re usually successful at targetting the main pathways that cause Psoriasis.
These top-rated Psoriasis medications include but are not limited to:
- Etanercept (Enbrel)
- Infliximab (Remicade)
- Adalimumab-Humira
- Ustekinumab (Stelara)
- Golimumab-Simponi
- Apremilast-Otezla )
- Secukinumab (Cosentyx)
- Ixekizumab (Taltz)
Most of these treatments taken via injection and are extremely costly. According to the US National Library of Medicine, the average healthcare costs of patients on biologics is $29,832. And as the years’ progress, this number only increases.
Other Treatments When all else fails and even the most potent of biological treatment are ineffective- this is going to be the last resort when helping patients with Psoriasis live a healthy lifestyle.
Because of the side effects associated with these treatments- patients are more than likely to stop treatment early. These treatments include:
- Thioguanine (Tabloid)
- Hydroxyurea (Droxia, Hydrea)
According to the National Library of Medicine, patients who were undergoing Hydroxyurea treatment for Psoriasis have had remarkable responses to it. Over 73.5% of patients have shown tremendous improvement making Thioguanine a safe, second line Psoriasis treatment.
According to Science Direct, 4 out of 5 patients experienced excellent benefits when undergoing Thioguanine treatment. In addition to treating conditions such as Psoriasis, countries like New Zealand are currently using Thioguanine to treat cancer such as acute Leukemia.
Vitamin Supplements Because some patients are leery about undergoing treatment, their first choice is the consumption dietary supplements that will help alleviate the symptoms of Psoriasis.
And even though these supplements are considered safe, they aren’t necessarily going to be our first choice when reducing symptoms such as itching and scaling.
Because these treatments are generally weaker than the Psoriasis medications prescribed by a physician, they are deemed more appropriate for milder forms of Psoriasis.
- Aloe Vera Just like any other time someone undergoes skin irritation, aloe vera has great properties to help reduce redness, itching, scaling, and inflammation. Used directly from an Aloe plant, you will see improvements in your skin with frequent use.
- Fish Oil One of the many benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids is the ability to maintain and improve elasticity. Results have shown that this supplement has helped with the reduction of inflammation caused by Psoriasis. The consumption of Omega-3 daily is recognized as safe and effective.
- Oregon Grape Another name for Oregon Grape is barberry. Its properties are naturally known to decrease inflammation and other symptoms caused by this skin condition.
How Do You Find the Lowest Price?
Dealing with Psoriasis is never easy and finding the right Psoriasis medications is even more difficult. Fortunately, we created eDrugSearch with you in mind.
If you or a loved one is currently suffering from the pain that comes with Psoriasis and/or any other condition, we encourage you to check out online pharmacy directory Because we only accept medications from licensed online US, Canadian, and International – rest assured that our priority is your health and safety.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We’re available to answer all of your questions and would love to point you in the right direction when it comes to your next prescription medication.
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